1. i wrote a fan fiction.. which pretty much took up most of my writing creativity. It is seven chapters long and each chapter was a real challenge to write. The problem wasn't the creativity or the plot, it was more of the putting things into words and making it feel realistic or make the characters be 'in character'.
2. i had a million exams and requirements last last week. okay, not really a million but it was surely a lot. i had to forego sleeping sometimes just to finish the requirements or finish studying for the exams.
3. i am bored. honestly, what to write when one is bored? i've exhausted youtube for anything that catches my interest. i even bought a book by my favorite author but i can't seem to finish it. i bought a comic book again but i wasn't thoroughly entertained. i am bored.
and so... i won't be posting much again. because here are the other stuff that i should be doing:
1. THESIS METHODOLOGY (yup, we haven't decided on the final algorithm of our thesis, and august is almost finished! gah! >panic mode<)
2. CS 131 probset, which was given to us last last week and i haven't even as much as glance at it.
3. CS 133 assignment, which was texted by our professor yesterday but only contains 2 numbers that i don't know how to answer at all
4. Stat 130.... dreaded exam is near, must review 3 chapters.
hai... i am so swamped with stuff... but i can't seem to find the right mood to make them. anyway. good luck to me. and to you too!