Wednesday, June 10, 2009

life and everything else

after a routine stalking exercise, i found another blog stash of an old crush of mine that talked about theories, philosophies and all the big words that would shame marx. anyway, i've decided to write about something philosophical myself: life and everything else.

for me life boils down to simplest of things, #1 happiness of self and #2 happiness of others. i'm no gandhi or buddha but i do think that we're here to have fun, be happy and enjoy life as it is. although if you meet me in real life, i'm really no happy go lucky person but i like being happy. i spend hours and hours in doing the things that make me happy and that is reading books, listening to music, eating and sleeping. since classes has been postponed, i've been locked up inside my room doing the aforementioned four things repeatedly. of course, there's the occasional bathroom emergencies and social interactions to meet my quota. hahaha.

happiness of others may be as limited to happiness of other half, if you're lucky enough to have one. i, myself don't have anyone to share this dreary life with aside from the book and music collection stored in my PC. but you see, happiness of others can also translate to happiness of friends, family or any other social entity. this can be in a form more popularly known as "quality time" or simply QT, as my sister always termed it.

so, my philosophy in life? we're all here (on earth) to live, laugh, love, learn and ultimately be happy. we may need to work hard for happiness sometimes (study to get 1.0s, earn to eat great food, work asses off to get promoted) but these happy moments make life worth living (take it from a suicidal). so.. last words? live. love. be happy. because you deserve it. :D

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